Comic Fury Wikia

Erin Weinstock ( systemcat ) has been working on creating comics since the fall of 1992 and gained professional status January 18th 2000. Published comics being "Catwalk" for the Cecil Whig Newspaper ( 2000 ). "Rotten to the Core" presented in the newsletter for Americorps *NCCC Denver ( 2001 ). In regards to writing fan fiction that started March 2006 with Buck Rogers in the 26th Century which ran into 2009. Other fan fiction created beyond that and Inspector Gadget has been for: Red Dwarf, Doctor Who, My Little Pony, Star Trek, and The Greatest American Hero.
Currently living in Texas and devoting a large among of time not only into working on Iron and Steel plus what surrounds it, but also a different webcomic named "Light Bulbs".
